Thursday, March 11, 2010

Macro skills

Using the Macro skill on the camera we had to get really close to a object and take a picture of it. As you can see above it is quite hard to figure out what this is. Is it a pathway? Is it a part of an object??? It is a part of a pathway. I got really close and this way it got and interesting and cool affect. When you get really close to an object it changes the whole affect. You can see how there is a stone in the crack. People will think this is a lot more intersting photo for the pathway it self is not that interesting. As you can see that with photgraphy you can change something as boreing as a pathway into something that interesting. If you get really close you can also notice that there is water inside a crack and you can see where it is smooth and where it is bumpy. Macro allows you to do such things for if you do not set you camera to this affect your picture out come will be a blury one. This Macro tool allows a whole other world to be visable.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Composition Elements * Depth*

Solitude, originally uploaded by Rob Cherry.

This picture shows a picture of death because the pathway leads into the distance.

Composition Elements * pattern*

ondivago ^^^, originally uploaded by pierpmont.

This is a picture of patten because the are all the same

Composition Elements * Symmetry*

Tunnel, originally uploaded by m+b.

This is a picutre of Symmetry because the walls are the same on each side.

Composition Elements * Rule of thirds*

Street Level Sparrow, originally uploaded by Mchl4237.

In this picture there is a cute bird which the photographer put on to the side because it gives the picture a speacial affect. So it is a rule of thirds cause the main focuse is not in the center of the page.

Composition Elements * Texture*

...rainy beach...[FP], originally uploaded by Geoff....

This picture of a boy shows texture because of the waves and the foot prints in the sand.

Composition Elements * lines*

In this picture there are markers all lined up which shows alignment.