Thursday, February 25, 2010

Duck and Chicken in a barn.

In order to make this picture i first needed to learn to use the beizer tool which is a tool that allows you to create almost any shape that you want. Onced we have learned how to use the tool a bit we then imported different animals. We got to chose one and then useing the beizer tool we traced the animal. I did a duck and a chicken. Afterewards we added a background in order to make the animals more interesting to look at. I decied to make a barn for I had traced " barn animals". One side of my pciture takes place in a barn the other takes place outside. Using some of the skills I learnt, I also made some eggs and a straw bundle in order to create a better scenary. All in all the main goal was to use the beizer tool to trace animal and then afterwards put it in a picture with a background.

Monday, February 1, 2010

First time using Inkscape

This was my first time using inkscape in grade 7. We were allowed to play around with the tools and see what we could do. It was a lot of fun but I still have a lot to learn. It was very interesting to see what we could do with the tools: stars, lines etc. I even figured out how to do a backround.
I am looking forward to doing new things!