Thursday, January 28, 2010


If it is hard to believe or not this heart is made out of four different hearts. The base is a plain black heart. I then copied it and made the second heart a bit smaller then the black one. Afterwards I copied the hearts again and I played with the gradiates. I made one side of the heart yellow and the other see throw. I then did the same with the 4th heart. In order to make the sparkle in the corner I made a little star and then faded it a bit. Afterwards I did the same with the a circle and also faded it a bit. At the end I put it all together. First the black heart, then the red one, and then the first half see through one and then the second half see throw one. I put the sparkle in the corner of the heart and put the circle over the star. we this was a more advanced heart then the ones we did before. It is suppose to give the affect that the heart is standing out a bit.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Cartoon Woman

This is a cartoon woman which I made from a youtube video. The aim of doing a cartoon was to see what different tools and things that you can do on Inkscape. Our challenge was to try to copy the youtube video cartoon man and then after we did that we could go on to making it our own person. At first this woman was a man but after I made him I changed him into a woman. Some of the tools I learned to use was the Bezier tool which is a tool to help make a month or a nose. Another tool was the free hand tool which allows you to make shapes or lines. I also learned how to make the cartoon into one picture by using the botten "Intersect" .
All in all I learnt a lot and I believe I can use these skills that I learnt to make many other things.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Learning Inkscape and how to make shapes :)

At the beginning when we were all very new to Inkscape,we only practice easy shapes such as, hearts and clovers. After we learnt how to do that, we learnt how to make the hearts more interesting. To give an example we change the gradient of the heart. We also learnt how about many of the tools on the side. Such as we learnt how to use the biezer which is a tool were you can make lines. You would use to make hair on a cartoon person for an example even though we did not use it on our clover or hearts we learnt about it. . Not only that but we also found out how to change the shape of a circle so that it looks like a four leaf clover. In order to change the shape we learnt how to use nuds which are white dimonds or squares on a side of a shape.
During this process we learnt many things and there is a lot more to learn.